The ‘Artists in Dialogue’ exhibition is the second partnership between Makers Guild Wales and Celebration of Welsh Contemporary Painting. The exhibition launched in September 2024 at the Makers Guild Wales in Cardiff and now moves to Aberystwyth University’s Tessa Sidey Gallery, where the exhibition will reach further audiences in Wales.
Six craft makers and six contemporary painters currently working in Wales were invited to create partnerships/pairings – beginning a dialogue about their professional art practices over the months leading to the exhibition at Craft in the Bay.
This exciting project brings together makers & artists across Wales, some of whom had never met previously. Each has found shared interests, inspiration and enthusiasm for stepping outside their ‘comfort zones’ to explore new approaches to their work, new materials and making techniques. Their creative conversations, studio visits and sharing materials has led to very exciting developments with their artwork as well as many new friendships with fellow creatives!
Artists ‘pairings’ include:
Beate Gegenwart & Catrin Webster
Clare Revera & Flora McLachlan
Helen Higgins & James Donovan
Pamela Jones & Jacqueline Alkema
Ann Catrin Evans & Karin Mear
Ruth Shelley & Eloise Govier
Co-curators: Beate Gegenwart, Jacqueline Alkema, Charlotte Kingston
Makers Guild Wales is delighted to be partnering with Celebration of Welsh Contemporary Painting. 15 other galleries have joined in this celebration of Welsh Contemporary Painting - their website shows the other galleries and the dates of their special exhibitions.